Jan 11, 2011

Effective Tool: Showtime Rotisserie

Originally posted August 5, 2010
Effective Tools are items that I cannot live without. They make my life easier and save me money. The Effective Tool itself my not have been a steal, but there are somethings I am willing to pay for...or put on my Christmas list.

I love my rotisserie--LOVE IT! We use it once a week, if not more. Both at the apartment and here at the house, the rotisserie lives outside and we use it all year long. I often make a whole chicken using BBQ sauce or whatever seasoning was free. This cooking method is too easy. The chicken takes about 15-20 minutes per pound, or about 1 1/2 hours for a 5 lb bird. I have noticed the outside temp may play apart in cooking time, or I started buying larger chickens at the time I noticed the increased cooking time. I always start the rotisserie at 1 1/2 hours and temp the chicken to see if it needs to cook longer. The rotisserie is also great for roasts, chicken thighs, chicken breasts, kabobs, and veggies. It is also an excellent way to cook many meats that I buy in the clearance section and have no idea what to do with--they can't all be made into pot roast or stew and who wants to have the oven on for hours in the summer?

We acquired this rotisserie as a wedding present six years ago. I am ashamed to say it sat and sat. We moved with it multiple times, always saying there was not enough counter space to use the rotisserie. I forget who said let's put it outside, but it has been such a blessing!

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