Jan 11, 2011

It's all about the savings!

Originally posted August 25, 2010
Ann at CouponsDealsandMore posted It's Not About the Money in which she discusses being frugal, and using coupons. Her post got me thinking that's it's all about the money for us.

We are a frugal family. I may not reuse a Ziploc bag--more likely, I will NOT use a Ziploc bag unless necessary. I prefer to use reusable Rubbermaid containers. We own wonder plastic food wrap from CostCo, which seals better than anything else I have used, but I will transfer the food to a Rubbermaid before sealing a serving bowl. When looking for a house we did not want an HOA. I will be hanging my clothes outside as long as the sun is out--the rest of the year, clothes are hung inside. While in the apartment, the only room for the clothes rack was in the dining area. We ate most meals right next to the hanging laundry--and there was always laundry with two little ones in cloth diapers. A large part of this is frugality and part environmentally conscious .

Clothes and household shopping is done on the clearance racks WITH at least a stackable 15% off coupon at Kohl's. Sometimes I shop JCPenny, but Kohl's is closer. Anything I buy is usually 70% off plus the extra 15%--the only charge card I have is for Kohl's to get the extra discounts. I have always made room for stockpiling childrens' clothes and I buy seasonal close-outs for the next year. For the most part that works out great, except last year, I gave up the battle and bought size 10s and 12s. Last November I lost some weight and am back in size 8s and smaller running 10s. Oops! My felling about buying at large discounts that if it does not fit the following year, the tags are still on and I can consign or yard sale them for about what I spent. Supposedly at Kohl's, as long as you have your original receipt, you can return an item, but I have not done a 9 month return.

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