Did you know you can stack coupons at JCPenney? The most common stacking uses the 15% off survey coupon and a JCPca$h coupon. Survey coupons can be earned by completing a JCPenney survey. Survey access codes are found at the bottom of JCPenney receipts and are valid for 7 days; the coupon is valid for one month.
You can triple stack a survey coupon, JCPca$h, and a Rewards Certificate: 15% off survey can be stacked with $15 off $75 coupon or $10 off $50 coupon and a $10 off Rewards Certificate.
15% off survey can be stacked with a $10 off Rewards Certificate and a percentage off email coupon or percentage off coupon sent to your mobile phone.
Here's what stacking will look like on your receipt (by the way--you will get some very long receipts if you buy lots of clearance items!).
My receipt contained 13 items and totaled $50.16 before coupons and tax. I used the $10 off $50 coupon and a 15% survey coupon for a savings of $16.12. The discounts do not come off at the very end; instead, the discount is applied to each item.
The item was originally $54: clearance for $2.97. Of the $10 I saved after spending $50, I saved 55¢ on this item. 15% off this item was 36¢. The total cost of this item was $2.06.
I love how JCPenney spells it all out. I know exactly how my discount was applied and if I need to return something, I know exactly how much I will get back.
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