Our financial month starts on the 10th. Today the envelopes get filled (well, tomorrow if I get to the bank). The grocery envelope will get $100 to last until the 24th and the charity envelope gets $40 to last all month. During tonight's Effective Couponing Class, I pulled out my grocery envelope and showed that there was $10 left from last month. Sweet! The extra $10 will be set aside to be used for a future Zaycon food order.
I'm challenging myself to keep track of exactly what is spent and how my family eats and hopefully this will not horrify me and give others helpful advice.
Dinner tonight was left-overs from last night. Ham, potatoes, and I'm not sure since I was teaching class...probably canned veggies.
After class, I headed to Rite Aid to pick up some Gillette body wash. Gillette and Old Spice is on sale for $2.99 with a $2 +UP, limit 2 per household. Buy 2 and use a BOGO coupon from 4.3 P&G insert. Pay $3.48, including tax, and get 2 $2+UPs. Little money maker. I used +UPs from previous deals to pay and just paid tax with change I had.
The Rite Aid on 136th and Mill Plain has some Gillette and Old Spice body washes in a bin up front! Apparently Wasougal has, at least started the day with, an entire end cap of product. 162nd and 28th is out.
That's it for 4.10!
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